Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Reliance Settings

Reliance Gsm Networks Features And Gprs Settings Reliance GSM - GPRS, MMS SettingRate Topic:  - - - - -
1.     Support Enhanced EDGE with Fiber backbone which can give Pratically 220 kbps speed to Latest EDGE Handsets
2.     Only GSM Network which Support Over The Air (OTA) time Sync (Automatically Sync Phone clock to Network the way it happens in CDMA)
3.     SIM Toolkit Version 2.0 Support, All SIM Card is power which STK Version 2.0 which can make Automated Configuration Request, OTA PRL and Commands Updates. OTA SIM Contact Updates and Programming, Handset Initiated SMS etc.
4.     R-World (The Same R-World) intranet WAP Site is extended to GSM Network users also. If your have GPRS / WAP Settings Enable you can Access R-World and manage so many things the way we did it in CDMA Service. You can reach R-World by Visiting http://wap.rworld.co.in on your Handsets
5.     Assisted GPS, All Tower of GSM / CDMA is suported with Assisted GPS, i am not sure that Reliance extend this Feature to GSM Handsets
6.     Frequency Beaming / Shapping. To Better cover and reused Spectrum they have got latest Towers from Trenqx from Canada which Shape / Beam Frenacy to only Targeted Area, so Same 4.4 Mhz can be Devided in 4 Slice and 4/1 Network can be made.
7.     Call Waiting / Call Diverting Feature can be Activated using The GSM OTA commands or By Dialing *62*93xxxxxxxx#
8.     MCA / Missed Call alerts is allowed but dont know about Status
9.     Caller Tunes is working fine we can Activate using SMS, Calls to 51234, R-World or from rcom.co.in Website using Mobile Number and Password.
10.   RCom.co.in site can be use to take login Create A/c for Mobile and pay bills and view Unbiled Usage (Same as CDMA)
Important Numbers 

Voice Numbers
Recharge = *368
Balance INquirey = *367
Custoimer Care = *333 or 022-30333333 or
 Tall Free = 18001003333 Admin menu / Common Access Number = *369
Language Menu =
USSD Menu = *123#
Caller Tunes = 51234567
RWorld Menu = 51234
Call Divert =

USSD Codes
Recharge = *368 (14 Digit Recharge Voucher) #
Balance Inquiry = *367#

SMS Codes
Balance Inquiry = Type
 BAL and send to 53670
To Subscribed Caller Tunes = Send sms SUBCT to 51234
To Unsubscribed Caller Tunes = Send sms
 UNSUBCT to 51234
Dont Call Registry Activation = sms START DND send to 1909

Customer Care = gsmCustomerCare@RelianceADA.com

Reliance GSM GPRS Settings


Reliance GSM WAP Setting 

( Required to run RWorld ) 
( Postpaid and Prepaid )

Login Request Required : off
Authentication :
Data Compression : off
Header Compression : off
Settings Name:
 Mobile World
Home Page / WAP Page:
Proxy Server Address :
Port :
Full Address in case of Windows Phone :
User Name = leave it blank
Pass word = leave it blank


Reliance GSM MMS Setting 

( Required to to Send and Receive MMS) 
( Postpaid and Prepaid )

Login Request Required : off
Authentication :
Data Compression : off
Header Compression : off
Settings Name:
 Reliance MMS
Home Page / WAP Page:
Proxy Server Address :
Port :
Full Address in case of Windows Phone :
User Name = leave it blank
Pass word = leave it blank

MMS Server Settings
Server URL:
Ip Address:
Apn: rcommms


Reliance GSM Net

( Required for Emails and Actual GPRS ) 
( Postpaid Only ) 
( You will require to contact GPRS Technical Department to Activate Net Plan / I got it but its a Hidden Plan )
( PC Tethering Allowed )
( Visit http://www.rcom.co.i.../prosumers.html for More info )
( on Latest Prepaid and post paid this can be sued with RWorld Browsing Plan but i am not Sure )

Login Request Required : off
Authentication :
Data Compression : off
Header Compression : off
Settings Name:
 Reliance Net
Home Page / WAP Page:
Proxy: no
Proxy Server Address : leave it blank
Port : leave it blank
Full Address in case of Windows Phone : leave it blank
User Name =
 leave it blank
Pass word =
 leave it blank


Reliance GSM NetConnect 

( Required for Emails and Actual GPRS ) 
( Postpaid Only ) 
( You will require to contact GPRS Technical Department to Activate Net Plan / I got it but its a Hidden Plan )
( PC Tethering Allowed )
( Pay per Minute Plan )

Login Request Required :
Authentication :
Data Compression : off
Header Compression : off
Settings Name:
 Reliance NetConnect
Home Page / WAP Page:
Proxy: no
Proxy Server Address : leave it blank
Port : leave it blank
Full Address in case of Windows Phone : leave it blank
User Name =
 9021310001 ( Your 10 Digit MDN ) 
Pass word =
 9021310001 ( Your 10 Digit MDN ) 


iPhone will not Support WAP Setting because of non Support of Proxy based Internet, iPhone will require Pure Reliance GPRS Setting. and also iPhone will not support RWorld because of non Proxy Support.

Google G1 Support only one APN Settings means either it will support RWorld or MMS or Internet
(Now Google based Android Support Multiple APN just set type = default (for internet) and type = mms (for MMS))
Attached File(s)
·         Attached File  Mobile_World_1.png (11.96K) 
Number of downloads: 583
·         Attached File  Mobile_World_2.png (12.21K) 
Number of downloads: 126
·         Attached File  Mobile_World_3.png (11.62K) 
Number of downloads: 93
·         Attached File  Mobile_World_4.png (12.28K) 
Number of downloads: 80
·         Attached File  Mobile_World_5.png (12.61K) 
Number of downloads: 85
·         Attached File  Mobile_World_6.png (12.08K) 
Number of downloads: 105
·         Attached File  RWorld.png (22.37K) 
Number of downloads: 222
·         Attached File  Google.png (18.02K) 
Number of downloads: 138

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Computer Magical facts by Gadadhar Tiwary

An Indian found that nobody can create a FOLDER anywhere on the Computer which can be named as "CON". This is something funny and inexplicable? At Microsoft the whole Team, couldn't answer why this happened! TRY IT NOW, IT WILL NOT CREATE A "CON" FOLDER 
Magic #2
Did you know that a flight number from one of the planes that hit one of the two WTC towers on 9/11 was Q33N. In Notepad / WordPad or MS Word, type that flight number i.e. Q33N. Increase the font size to 72. Change the font to Wingdings. .. u will be amazed by the findings!!!…………………..
For those of you using Windows, do the following:
1.) Open an empty notepad file
2.) Type "Bush hid the facts" (without the quotes)
3.) Save it as whatever you want.
4.) Close it, and re-open it. 
Noticed the weird bug? No one can explain! 
Again this is something funny and can't be explained? At Microsoft the whole Team, including Bill Gates, couldn't answer why this happened! 
It was discovered by a Brazilian. Try it out yourself? 
Open Microsoft Word and type 
=rand (200, 99)  And then press ENTER
And see the   magic?..!

Friday, June 10, 2011

True & Ultimate Solution for Corruption - Debit Card without Paper Currency: Debit Card without Paper Currency - True and Ultim...


First we question ourselves, Why the hungry, illiteracy, poverty, unemployment, dowry, corruption, naxalism, terrorism and all kinds of social evils prevailing in the country?

I Question myself every time, every day, almost many years for the answer. Then I realized that all problems are related to the money and finance and its irregularities over the decades and centuries.
Questioning myself further, it is financial transaction and it should be measured and it should be visually available for at any time. It is not possible every time or all the times if it is cash or currency transaction. If it is currency notes, it is not possible to measure the transaction and visually calculate after the transaction is over.
If the financial and money transaction would be measured and calculated and the same transaction is accounted and also the same transaction details are available at any time, then all the problems of the country would be solved automatically.

Is it possible?
Yes. Definitely possible at present day of technology world.

How it is possible? It is possible only when Government has to take certain decisions for the development of country.

What is the ANSWER finally

Debit Card without Paper Currency

If Government bans paper currency and make compulsory to use DEBIT CARD alone, it will give TAXABLE INCOME in many folds to Indian Budget. If Government implements the Debit Card alone, there won’t be any deficit in the future Budgets. I expect atleast more than 10 times of Present Tax Income would be generated for eradiation of poverty and creation of employment. Each and every financial transaction of citizen would be counted and calculated. Debit card gives accountability for every transaction and thus it gives more taxes to the Government. USAGE OF DEBIT CARD ALONE would remove poverty, unemployment, corruption, dowry, terrorism, naxalism, and all sorts of evils from the society since it is visible measurable financial transaction. India will become No.1 developed country in the world within 2 years. I have debit card without paper currency concept to be popularized for the development of India. I will come for discussion how it will be useful for the each and every member of society, states and country. RBI, All Banks and Government & Others should play a vital for this implementation for Golden future of India.

For Example: One Medical Student has given Rs.25-50 lakhs as donation to the medical college for the management seat. What is the effect on the society. Rich (Medical College Owner) become richest and Medical Student lost many things due to his loss of lakhs of rupees. After Completion of MBBS, what will happen, he will charge highest amounts to the patients s a fees. So here poor patient become poorest by paying huge amount of fees and losing his daily facilities like education, medicine, sanitory, clothing, nourished food and many things.

The Scene after Debit Card without Paper Currency

Student cannot give donation to the management, After MBBS he will not charge more fees becaused ha has not paid lakhs to the management seat. Poor will get his minimum facilities. Income distribution among people will happen in this concept, so that purchasing power of poor will be increased, as a result poor will be benefitted financially.

Second Example: On the road, one cannot give bribe to Traffic Police, You may feel it is less corruption but it results in many accidents. Bribing police will result many accidents which causes many lives of people and died person may be breadwinner of the family.

After DC-PC

One cannot bribe since it is accounted, so Police do sincere duty and people follow traffic rules in pacca way. Accidents will reduce automatically. There is no more deaths and accidents because of ill doings of police of public.
Third Example:- Government Schemes are not reaching to the real people or reaching 10% to the poor. Rajiv Gandhi told that 10% of Government is reaching to the Poor. Poor people has to bribe many departments and government staff to get their real benefits of Government.

After DC-PC

Bribing cannot be possible and 100% money will be reached to the real person to remove his poverty. All Government Schemes and Programs will reach 100% to the poor. All transactions are accounted and all peoples' accounts are accounted and visible to everybody.

Somebody wants to give dowry for his daughter and it will be taken by bridegroom or his father or mother. It is possible in the present day situation.

After DC-PC

It is not possible to give dowry to anybody, it is accounted, dowry taker and giver will be punished since it is accounted. Dowry will automatically be reduced. As a result, father spends money on female child education and all female population get educated. Finally all families and society will be benefitted

How to Implement DC-PC ?

It is not much easy to implement the concept as it is, any change will be resisted by all sections of the society in the first instance. It should be done in phased manner.

1. Banks should issue a Debit Card to everybody including children (child cards). Each and every person should have debit card before implementing DC-PC. The usage of debit card should be popularized via Television, Paper and all media channels. People should get familiarized about the usage of debit card.

2. Security of Debit Card - Security systems of debit card should be strengthened, in a situation like debit card theft or missing, asking bank to block the account and issue another card with security. This should be in easiest way to get the cards from banks and banks should give cards immediately.

3. Banks should take all currency notes from the people, and NO ISSUE of currency notes from the banks. That means banks are not giving currency notes to the people, only taking notes from the people. So currency notes are not available, so people feel the heat of shortage of currency notes.

4. After shortage of notes, Government should ban the currency notes in the metropolitan cities first, so that the currency notes will be moved to small cities and towns, so the developmental activities will be moved from metros to small cities. This effect will come naturally since notes of black money will move from metros to small cities automatically. Income will be distributed in different wasy from the rich people of metros.

5. As a Second Step, Government should ban currency notes from Small Cities and Towns, so that currency will be moved from small cities and towns to villages and taluqs.

I just want to see myself thinking that I am using only debit card and there is no currency notes. I just go around the busy road. I get into a bus, If I give debit card, what should be done, conductor has to give ticket, then he has to use the instrucment which is wireless instrument for accepting my debit card money. I told myself, Okay it is possible if the conductor should be familiarized about the debit card usage. If the debit card has not accepted then what is my position. The technology should be developed that every bank's card to be accepted by everybody. Then only the debit card usage would be possible.

I get down from bus. I just see around the road, roadside vendors are there to sell small food items, drinks, etc. I am so thrusty, I want to buy cool drink, whether the small vendor able to accept, Yes it is possible to the vendor since he is bank account holder, he has to use the instrument to accept the debit card from the customers. He is having the electrical line and phone line and it is possible for him to accept the card. After I took the cool drink, then I seen small roadside seller is selling some curchiefs and other small items. He does not have phone or electrical connection, then how the transaction will be happened, the wireless set or instrument should be used for the purpose, Is he able to buy such a costly machine, so Government has to provide the set with subsidy. The objective or aim of this debit card without currency notes, is for the benefit of small vendor and poor people and for their development. They should not suffer at any cost. Government has to save these people at any cost initially.

After the transaction, I want to buy apple from small cart fellow and again I want to buy vegetable from road side vendors. I want to buy chicken from the shop and again I want to some provisions from tiny vendor.
Government has to make this wireless instruments for small vendors for accepting the debit card. Then only it is possible for every vendor to accept the debit cards.

SWOT ANALYSIS – strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats


1. Corruption will be automatically wiped out from the Society and our country. Everyone is responsible for their transactions who are giving bribes and who are taking bribes and they will be caught since it is black & white and accounted in the bank. It is biggest boon to country.
2. Donations for education seats like Medicine and Engineering and other technical education, will be automatically stopped and Private colleges will come to a solution with the Government for their survival in other forms. So New Acts will come to existence to see both sides of colleges and students & society
3. Dowry will be wiped out and girl education would be encouraged in the society. It results 100% literate society in future. Women will be financially equipped with Equal Right in Parents Assets. Women would be more powerful with jobs and finance
4. No hungry deaths since Government Schemes will reach 100% to the poor. Pubic Distribution Systems through Ration Shops will effectively work for the poor people.
5. Naxalism and Terrorism will be automatically wiped out since the poor people in the society is benefitted by Government schemes and Buying weapons and related will be difficult for them after this concept.
6. End to Tax evasion. Government will cut the Tax Instantly when any Business Transaction occurred and money will be automatically credited to Government Exchequer through the bank. Governments will get taxes on daily basis.
7. Budget money will be increased in many folds say ten times of present budget income. Government can easily target the unemployment, education, medical facilities and infrastructural facilities in the country.
8. All Government contractual works will be done with less amounts (atleast 30% less than present works) since there is no corruption and it results more works with same money for government.
9. “Reduced Auction Open” (RAO) system will come after this concept to do Government works via tenders. In this RAO system, openly in front of everybody, one contractor will say that I will do this work for Rs. 1 crore and Second contractor can reduce amount by saying I will do it for Rs. 90 lakhs, Third contractor can reduce amount by saying I will do it for Rs. 80 lakhs and so on. Finally the real amount of work will be given to the contractor without any corruption.
10. Political system will be purified and new generation of political leaders will come in front with real social service motto. This is really a Big Bonanza for the society since the leaders are really socially motivated to improve the country.
11. Thinking of social system will be changed since there is no chance to do wrong things and this make everybody as HARISH CHANDRA”. Society will be run on ideal thinking with good works and thoughts.
12. Planning can be done 100% accurately and Estimation will also be accurate.
13. India will become stronger than any developed nation


1. Political parties unwillingness to implement this concept and Political parties has to find other ways of getting funds for their survival and running the party. They have to follow other nations for running political events like conducting big stages, contesting elections and other means of expenditure.
2. Initial resistance from the Society since change will not be accepted immediately. When computers introduced people criticized due to unemployment. Implementation should be done in phased manner.
3. Resistance from Business Society since they have to pay taxes instantly and 100% without any tax evasion. Small shopkeepers will go strikes to stop the implementation. Government should be successful to overcome these problems by educate them this concept is for the benefit of whole society and finally benefit to them. Mediator and Middle Channels will be reduced in the business cycle and benefit the customer.
4. Lack of awareness in old people and children and uneducated will suffer in initial stage of implementation. Government has to do propaganda about this concept via electronic media and paper media and through NGOs.
5. Difficulties in implementation such as manufacturing debit card machines and making ATMs as Account Transfer Machines and making other payments modes like encouraging internet, cell phone payments.


1. Identifying the people who are on the roads without homes. Poor people will be benefitted by Government Schemes.
2. Poor Income Groups will be identified and benefits will be given to these groups by providing employment opportunities like self help groups employment or self employment schemes or providing government works to these people.
3. Free education facilities to poor and middle income groups by giving interest free loans, full payment of tuition fees to the students
4. Free hospital facilities to all citizens of India by creating more hospitals, and creating more jobs to nurses, doctors and medical facilities for every 10 kilometer range. ArogyaSree Scheme in Andhra Pradesh can be implemented all over India.
5. More infrastructural facilities like more roads to villages, bridges and highways to the country and more jobs to all engineering candidates.
6. Budget Planning will be done with 100% accuracy. Governments have more opportunities to create employment, to be self sufficient and self reliant practices.
7. Debit Card Machines manufacture will be done to meet the demands of business people.
8. Sanitary facilities to be created since 63 crores of people do not have sanitary facilities in India. Act to be framed and implemented to get sanitary facilities to everybody.


1. Political parties in oppose will invite this concept and parties in ruling will oppose this concept. Political parties may topple the government due to this reason.
2. Capitalists may strongly oppose this concept since they cannot avoid taxes and have to pay more taxes. Black money will die automatically.
3. Some sections of society such as business people, old people, illiterate people, children will oppose this concept initially due to lack of awareness.
4. External forces from other countries will try to stop the implementation of this concept since the black money and other activities would be stopped by this concept.


Government has to implement this concept in phased manner without getting hesitation from the political and social system. When computers introduced in the country all criticized due to unemployment in the country. Government should make all people to get awareness about the debit card usage through Electronic Media and Print Media and NGOs.

1. Reserve Bank of India should issue an order that everybody in India should get Debit Card including children (child card with limit money)
2. RBI should not print Currency Notes any more.
3. All Banks will receive currency notes and All Banks will not issue or give
currency notes to public.
4. From January 1, 2012 onwards, there is no value for Rs.500/- and Rs.1000/- and above Rs.500/- transaction should be done via debit card / credit card / cheque. No cash transaction is valid above Rs.500/-.
5. From July 1, 2012 onwards, there is no value for Rs.100/- and above Rs.100/- transaction should be done via debit card / credit card / cheque. No cash transaction is valid above Rs.100/-.
6. From January 1, 2013 onwards, there is no value for Rs. 50/- and above Rs. 50/- transaction should be done via debit card / credit card / cheque. No cash transaction is valid above Rs. 50/-.
7. From July 1, 2013 onwards, there is no value for Rs. 20/- and above Rs. 20/- transaction should be done via debit card / credit card / cheque. No cash transaction is valid above Rs. 20/-.
8. From January 1, 2014 onwards, there is no value for Rs. 10/- and above Rs. 10/- transaction should be done via debit card / credit card / cheque. No cash transaction is valid above Rs. 10/-.
9. From July 1, 2015 onwards, there is no value for Rs. 5/- and Rs. 2/- and Re. 1/- Notes.
10. From January 1, 2017 onwards, No Value for ALL COINS.